Finding the light in the dark is a lesson we will learn over and over again.
- Peri
My Journey
I first started experiencing intuition in an extreme way after a near-death experience when I was 8 years old. In my recovery, I discovered a white light around everyone. My extreme and unusual experiences then escalated over time and no one could identify what I was going through. For years I was terrified to be left alone with these experiences. I felt isolated and scared.
At first, my family and I tried different techniques to "turn it off" but it only appeared to get stronger. Finally, we decided that I should try to "work with it" and that's how I became a Reiki Master as a young teenager. I also worked with therapist, Debby Ogg, whose own life story has been chronicled in the movie "A Leap of Faith."
What’s incredibly profound to me is that by meeting like-minded people along the way, I was able to see the strength in them and realize that the same strength lives within me. PsychicKids was a place where I was able to relate to people going through similar experiences. Coming back as a mentor and working with kids with abilities has been a blessing and I see it as coming full circle.
My intuitive experiences started as a curse —-> transformed into abilities —-> and evolved once more to be a gift. I used to cringe when people called my abilities a gift and now I own them and feel blessed to be able to use them productively in the helping professions.
In addition to earning a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and Education from the Spirituality Mind Body Institute from Columbia University, I am committed to using my experience and education to contribute to scientific journals and research studies. I'm focused on research regarding the role of energy and consciousness in healing and the relationship between psychology, immunity, and health.
In my private practice, my passion is to support individuals, family systems, and relationships and bonds in finding a path through life's most difficult experiences and transitions. I focus on the practice of balance and coming back to our essence, (who we have always been even before entering this human experience) to help create space for healing. I'm not trying to say this is easy. Trust me I know. But it’s available to us and through trust in something bigger than ourselves – allowing the universe to come together to light up our connection – for we are nothing if not connected.
My gratitude for being a space where people know they can talk to me about their energy experiences is so warm and vast.
- Peri
Peri Zarrella was featured on the 2nd season of A&E's Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. She has since received her master's degree in clinical psychology and education from Columbia University and returned to the 2019 reboot of Psychic Kids as a mentor to the new generation of kids like her.

Discover the power of your innate abilities
My gratitude for being a space where people know they can talk to me about their energy experiences is so warm and vast. We are all born with innate abilities at our disposal and I can share how to access them. Energy + Education offers several modalities that I use in my intuitive counseling sessions. Train with me and a team of experienced instructors in an environment that fosters immersion and focus – a true Perinormal experience.
Dedicated to scientific
inquiry + energy realms
In addition to her Master's Degree in Spirituality Mind Body Institute from Columbia University, Peri is committed to using her experience and expertise to contribute to scientific journals and research studies. Explore her latest published research contribution below.